Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Oh, It's Definitely Gonna Fit This Time

In other news, O.J. Simpson had a 12th charge added to the 11 he had already been charged with, which by themselves amounted to life in prison. Make that life in prison plus 6 more years with the latest charge of felony coercion. This added charge stems from the allegation that Simpson and another defendant (one who hasn't said "let's make a deal") conspired to persuade other co-defendants to tell investigators that no weapon was used in the alleged robbery.

As the gov-uh-nuh of California, whose citizens found Simpson not guilty of murder in 1995, Arnold Schwarzenegger must have put in a call to the Vegas prosecutor's office to make sure they really say "Hasta la vista, baby" to Simpson this go round.

It's looking more and more like they might finally put the squeeze on the Juice. You know what they say about throwing crap on the wall - some of it has to stick.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are too funny! am dying laughing at (i) pic of oj with gloves, (ii) guv-uh-nuh, (iii) squeeze on the juice, and (iv) crap on wall...if the sh*t will stick, you must not acquit! Johnny is rolling around in his grave right now!