Tuesday, October 9, 2007

This Duck is Quacking Up

You may have seen this one already, but I thought I'd profile a less friendly mascot encounter than this one from yesterday.

The University of Oregon Duck claims the University of Houston Cougar stole his signature moves. The Duck has been suspended. I can see why he could be mad, though. It is unseasonably warm these days, and the heat was probably getting to his head, real and fake, literally and figuratively.

Did he think that because nobody could see his face that it was OK to assault another man or woman, who's still a man or woman even though s/he's in a cougar suit? Whatever the gender of the person in the suit, Shasta, the Houston Cougar, is a female cougar mascot. No word on whether the Oregon Duck stole any of the Cougars moves and tried to seduce any of the players following the game.

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