Sunday, September 9, 2007

Shocking But True

(I was supposed to do my full U.S. Open post today but I can't find my camera, and I am not happy!! I will try a few more places, and if I can't locate it still, I'll just see what I can find on the Internet. Pray that I find it . . .)

Surprising and shocking to absolutely no one, and to the delight of Nike (because their other golden boy won today, too), Roger Federer captured his fourth consecutive U.S. Open title with his straight set win over Novak Djoko. Never mind. You don't care and it doesn't really matter anyway, although the kid he beat is not half bad and has actually beaten Federer earlier this year. But not today. Today, all that matters today is that I was right and that Federer is quickly becoming the best in any sport the world has ever seen. Take a look at Roger by the numbers. He got to take home an "extra million" today because he won the U.S. Open Series (the series of hard court tournaments leading up to the U.S. Open). So congrats, Roger. And watch your back.

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