Thursday, August 23, 2007

Vick Revisited

I think I had a bit of a change of heart today about the Mike Vick situation. After I thought about the fact that CNN ran several hours of live coverage of Paris Hilton being taken from her home for DUI charges, I was reminded of the ridiculousness of the media's and our own fascination with the misdeeds of celebrities, no matter who or what color they are. I won't even get into the whole Don Imus debacle. I think seeing people with money and fame suffer makes the miserable among us feel a little bit better about our own lives. We like a good rags to riches story, but we can't get enough of a fall from grace. Kind of sad isn't it?

Mike Vick, I really hope you can turn this around. To all the dogfighters, I think it's safe to say the federal government has their good eye* on you so you might want to find a new hobby.

*Thank you J to the E.

**UPDATE** DMX did not get the memo. Tell his people to start reading this blog!

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