Sunday, August 26, 2007

Movie review: Brian's Song

I'm not sure if I'm going to make a habit of writing on Sundays, but I just finished watching a movie called Brian's Song (the 1971 original, not the re-make from 2001). It received 4 stars on Comcast, stars Billy Dee Williams and James Caan, and it centered around football so I figured it had to be worth watching. The storyline centers around NFL Hall of Fame running back Gayle Sayers' (Williams) friendship with his Chicago Bears teammate, Brian Piccolo (Caan), and Sayers' support of Piccolo as he battles with terminal cancer. Once you get past the 1970's cinematography and acting (this was originally a made-for-TV movie that went to theaters), it is a pretty good movie. Some elements of their friendship might make the "manly men" feel a little uncomfortable, but their friendship is believable. More importantly, it contains a valuable message about the true meaning of teammate/friend that seems to be lacking in our society.

Another warning for the "manly men": this movie is infamous as a tearjerker for men and women alike (part of the reason I'm sure it received 4 stars), so I wouldn't watch it with anyone you don't want to see you cry!

It's fairly short, so if you have an hour and a half, check it out!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Word on the street is....PnC gave it up during the talk to the team. Care to disclose?