Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Running by Presidents Day

Presidents' Day came and went without much fanfare from me, except a stop in the hometown of one presidential hopeful. Now that I'm finally home, I barely have enough time to run it down. But I will, quickly:

1. How many more times does this have to happen? Seriously.

2. I will do an in-depth analysis tomorrow of the weekend's All-Star events (the televised ones), which I found surprisingly entertaining. Never underestimate the value of likable players to the success of the league. Until tomorrow, chew on this video of All-Star game bloopers. #9 and #5 courtesy of Mr. Shaquille O'Neal trying to play well outside of his comfort zone are of particular interest.

3. Thanks to No WorseNorthwest Airlines, which I will aim to avoid flying ever again in life (never say never because you just never know, but they may well be going out of business soon anyway), I got to see the entire All-Star game from start to finish during my 5-hour delay. Because I can report on my firsthand viewing of the events right here for all of you, that makes the delay worthwhile. Ok, not really, but I'm just trying to talk myself down from kicking NWA's CEO in the shins really hard.*

4. Continuing with the NBA theme, Jason Kidd said last night that he is on his way to Dallas. While I believe this has a million times better chance of going through than Kobe-watch, I will hold off on commentary until I see who all is involved in the trade. The fact that they're talking about bringing Keith Van Horn out of retirement after Mavs owner Mark Cuban said that wasn't going to happen let's you know that he wants this thing to get done yesterday.

5. Danica Patrick in the SI swimsuit edition:

Talent at your "sport" is OK but if you really want to make the big bucks as a female athlete, you have to take at least a few pics in your drawers. I'm not coming down on her because I think she looks great. Just an observation . . .

Happy Tuesday!

* Note to Kelly Tilghman: This is just one example of how you could have made a more acceptable joke about Tiger Woods.

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