Wednesday, December 19, 2007

More Assault On Athletes

Scary story out of Moscow today. 20 year old, #6 tennis player in the world Anna Chakvetadze was bound, along with her dad and a housekeeper, in her own home by 6 men who took off with over $300,000 worth of cash and jewelry.

Of course this brings to mind the Sean Taylor murder, but something doesn't sound quite right here. For starters, why do they have that much cash on hand, and who would know that? It makes me wonder if this wasn't some kind of revenge or set up to avoid another incident from occurring. I won't be surprised if that turns out to be the case. .

In the past, we might have told her that she needs to leave Moscow to avoid situations like this, but as we have seen recently, things like this can happen here, too. But once again, if this truly was a burglary, then just a few extra precautions go a very long way.

I hope this doesn't affect her too much, and at least she wasn't physically hurt like when Monica Seles was stabbed. She has studied psychology, which she credits with helping her break into the top 10, so maybe that study will benefit her here, too. Although it would be understandable if she takes time off, I do hope that the returns soon because she's a very talented player and tennis would be less well off if in her absence.

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