Monday, December 15, 2008

MYSM: W's On My Dodgeball Team

I've made a poor showing these past few weeks. This week should be better, today not included.

Today's "make ya smile" offering made me cry the first time I saw it. I assume you've all seen it but there's no way that I could let this go without posting it here.

Some of you may be saying, "Hey, PnC, this is not sports related. What's it doing on MYSM?" Ah, I'd have to disagree. While Dubya's quick moves were not part of a sporting event, this is easily one of the most athletic moves that I've had the pleasure of posting on a Monday - or maybe that I've ever seen. That shoe was going at a nice clip, Bush could have been bloody if not for his cat-like reflexes. I especially like how the second shoe didn't phase anyone.

The Secret Service must have been asleep at the wheel.

Happy Monday!

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