Friday, April 25, 2008

No More Spin the Squid

Because I like to switch it up, while I continue to enjoy my writing vacation, I thought I'd make my first mini-post about hockey.

For those who are not aware, the Detroit Red Wings have a tradition of throwing octopi on the ice. While I'd love to use this space to explain why this happens, it's probably easier for you just to click here.

Just in time for the second round of the NHL Playoffs (I know you've watched a game), the league has taken a page from the No Fun League and passed a rule banning the Red Wings' rink master, Al Sobotka, who has been driving the zamboni that cleans the ice for over 30 years, from twisting the octopus around his head and spinning it like a helicopter. According to the NHL, "matter flies off the octopus and gets on the ice when he does it." I have to believe that there are worse and perhaps more slippery things than octopus matter on the ice.

No penalty for the fan who throws the octopus on the ice in the first place, which it seems would be fairly easy to police. I guess hockey can't afford to turn away any fans, though, huh?

Thursday, April 24, 2008

MYSF*: Kenny Smith's Hyperdunks Are Defective

I will be back soon with regular posts, but this couldn't wait until Monday.

It gets funnier after multiple watchings. These guys deserve an Emmy!

*Usually it's Make Ya Smile Mondays, but like I said above, this one couldn't wait. Enjoy your weekend!