Thursday, November 22, 2007

A Special Thanksgiving Request For A Veteran

A member of a sports writing/commenting community, ArmchairGM, where I frequently write and get feedback on the stuff you see here, needs your help.

Sometime yesterday, Andrew Godfrey's (known to us as NiteOwl049) landlord decided to be a complete and utter grinch and give him and his family 48 hours to get out of their apartment. Yup, just in time for Thanksgiving.

Well, I don't know him personally, but from what I have seen, Andrew is a great writer (click here for a smattering of his work), but more importantly, a civil person in a community where it's easy to be rude and hide behind the anonymity of the Internet.

And he served our country honorably in Vietnam and Hawaii, something a lot of us would not do. But he did it, and now he needs us to give back to him.

So if you happen to stumble upon this and know of anyone who could help him, or if you want to help him yourself, please click here on ArmchairGM's site for more information on this story.

If there is any more information (especially for those of you who want to make sure it's legit before you help), I will post it as I know it. From all indications, it is the real deal.

Your generosity on this Thanksgiving would be greatly appreciated.

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